What Doors Can Open:
Equity and Healing Explorations
A monthly series beginning Sun, Oct 15 12-2 PM ET
Pay what you can - suggested donation $25 per class
All welcome - please come whether or not you can pay
A quarter of the proceeds of each class will be donated to community organizations
Hosted by the Alexander Technique Liberation Project
Facilitated by Moriah Williams
Organized by Renee Schneider
[Image: Tabby cat looking out a barn doorway with curiosity. Credit: edenexposed on Canva]
Hello and welcome to folks who are curious about engaging with our collective power for healing.
Who Is This Series For?
Open to all who are interested in exploring equity and healing for yourself, your clients, or those around you. These participatory workshops are inquiries into sociopolitical frameworks of healing, considerations for marginalized clients in healing spaces, somatic explorations, community and ecological care approaches, and possibilities for change. There are a range of topics, and some may feel more relevant to your interests or stage of exploration than others. Register for one or all.
Intention for This Series
These are small slice of amany-layered issues. Hopefully this series will offer: -a place to bring your experience and expertise -find tenderness and validation -explore frameworks that feel supportive and congruent with your perceptions -experience some relief and nourishment -discover new doorways and jumping off places into further exploration
How This Series Came About
This series views the widespread failures of care for marginalized people from a public health perspective, in that these are systems that we find ourselves in and collectively, we can use our power and curiosity to create kinder and more equitable spaces of care and tend to the well-being of our communities and ecosystems. I am a holistic practitioner with a mix of centered and marginalized identities - I’m a white genderqueer autistic person who has healed from chronic illness, to name a few of my lenses and locations. I have fallen through the cracks of a lot of systems of care, despite my many privileges. As a practitioner I am focused on how to expand my own perspectives and capacities to support clients with marginalized identities that I do or don’t share. I am also interested in what aspects of healing can be easily shared among communities for little or no cost.
Limits of This Series and Containment
This series offers brief introductions to an enormous field of experience, joy, oppression, history, and relationship. This series doesn’t offer everything. It obviously doesn’t singlehandedly heal oppression. It doesn’t offer easy answers about how to be a good ally, and it doesn’t offer boxes to check relative to deep, ongoing engagement with solidarity and equity where there is a lot of ambiguity and no guarantees. I don’t know what your journey is relative to equity and healing, now or in the future. I have chosen to offer this series as a mixed space. Please be aware that there will be people in the workshop with very different levels of experience and relationship to these issues than you, and our intention is to center the experiences and care considerations for the people most affected by these issues. Please hold this intention in what you choose to share, and track for yourself what feels appropriate for a mixed space. I am strongly holding the container that we all have complex identities, and we are all showing up to create more intentionality and care for everyone, especially the most marginalized people in the room and in our lives. I’m also very aware that there are aspects of these topics which require more trust and container-building than the context of this intro series - or I might just not be the right person or it might not be the right environment to accompany you through specific issues. I deeply appreciate the online workshop I attended with Dr. Kesha Fikes where she prefaced the workshop with saying that this is not a community, we don’t have community agreements, we don’t have a history of trust and relationship together; this is a webinar. This is why I’m also offering other spaces for connection and other kinds of materials and supports (see Further Information and Support and Class Handouts below). Also know that, while these workshops can’t begin to meet the needs that we all have around equity and healing, I am really here for your curiosity and solidarity around these issues, and I hold that we can all contribute to creating a more equitable, loving world.
The series format is a combination of somatic and experiential explorations, presentation, discussion, community brainstorming, and community and ecological care tools. There will be a lot of opportunities to share (openly or anonymously) about your own questions, challenges, sticking points, and habits around the various topics. We will be exploring topics that may feel intense or overwhelming overwhelming at times. Your innate capacity to heal, learn, and help restore wholeness is not scarce. Please go at your own pace during the workshops and after. Also remember you can seek out additional information from other educators, and you can dive into the various additional supports and information offered (below). You won’t be missing out on anything if you decide to sit out parts, or review the recording in small pieces over time. Your learning process is monumental, and worth honoring.
There will be material for a variety of learning approaches, and attendees are encouraged to modify or diverge from explorations as they wish. These workshops are meant to raise questions and support you in how you want to engage with the material, and contribute your own perspectives and wisdom. Attendees can participate with video on or off, can speak, participate in the chat, or on Padlet. Your presence is also valuable if you prefer to engage internally and process at your own pace. Meetings will be closed captioned, and recordings, slides, and other materials will be available for further exploration. Please contact the organizer if you have other access needs.
Further Healing Explorations and Support
I will be offering free monthly open houses for healing explorations and discussion the day after each class.
Private Trainings
If you would like me to present any of these - either as brief or more in-depth workshops - tailored for your practice or community group, please contact me.
What Doors Can Open: Equity and Healing Explorations - Series Schedule
October 15 (note: third Sunday)
Emotional Freedom Technique for Inflammation, Oppression, Toxicity, and Trauma Part 1
November 12
Emotional Freedom Technique for Inflammation, Oppression, Toxicity, and Trauma Part 2
December 10
Trans 101: An Intro to Varieties of Trans Issues and Ways of Being
January 21, 2024 (note: third Sunday)
Exploring Gender: Introspection and Play for All
February 11, 2024
Care for Autistic Folks: Considerations for Clients and Practitioners
March 10, 2024
Supporting Marginalized People in Community: Cultivating Healthy Containers
April 14, 2024
Supporting Marginalized People in Healing Work: For Clients and Practitioners
May 12, 2024
Making Home-made Homeopathic Remedies for Trees
[Image: Tabby cat looking out a barn doorway with curiosity. Text: "What Doors Can Open: Equity and Healing Explorations, a monthy pay what you can workshop on various topics, 2nd(ish) Sundays 12-2 PM ET beginning October 15, hosted by the Alexander Technique Liberation Project, facilitated by Moriah Williams, organized by Renee Schneider, moriahjwilliams.com photo: edenexposed on Canva"]
About the Host
The AT Liberation Project is an open network of Alexander Technique teachers, trainees and students who have come together to examine inequity and injustice in our community’s history, to educate ourselves on topics of inclusion, equity and social justice, and to create a more welcoming AT community for ourselves and those who may have been excluded from our work in the past.
We seek to question language, paradigms, and practices within the Alexander Technique which cause harm and limit inclusion, and develop those which foster social justice and belonging.
[Image: Alexander Technique Liberation Project logo, with brightly colored overlapping shapes that look like flower petals or leaves, with the letters ATLP at the bottom.]

About the Facilitator
Moriah Williams (pronouns: q/surprise me) is a holistic practitioner, writer, and portal witch who works with folks who are interested in exploring body-based, sociopolitical, and/or spiritual and nature-based aspects of healing. Moriah practices Ortho-Bionomy®*, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Animal Communication, and q is a NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM®)-Informed Professional with an Embodied Social Justice Certificate. Moriah is a white autistic genderqueer person who has healed from chronic illness, who has special interests in birds, spiders, liminality, and the spiritual function of humor. Moriah has presented workshops for numerous organizations, including: TruHap Positive Psychology Center, (Un)occupy Albuquerque and Kalpulli Izkalli's Medicine for the People, Multicultural Efforts to end Sexual Assault (MESA), The Alternatives Conference, the Optimal Aging Conference, the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International,Inc., and q has been a panelist for Southwestern College's Disability, Bias, and Access panel. *Ortho-Bionomy® is a trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc., and is used with permission.
Instagram, TikTok, and other social media: @mjwintuitive
Youtube tapping library @transverseprocess
Phone, WhatsApp, and Telegram: +1 505-577-0479
[Image: Photo of Moriah, a white genderqueer autistic person, smiling at the camera in front of a stucco wall. The tail of Pumpkin T. Monkeypants, an orange tabby, is photobombing the picture from Moriah's lap.]

Image: Seven engaged-looking sparrows perched on a branch with the caption, Healing Is For Everyone." Photo by Nataba on Canva.